Although I did not expect this part 2 to be like this but I guess it will be rather entertaining. So here I goes.
1. Honesty won't get us laid

2. The "break up" rule

3. Ego is always two sided for us
It is true that its best not to bring out too much of the men's ego. However, when we shower you with gift and did all the romantic things for you, we expect something in return. There's no such thing as a free meal. When we did those things for you, we pamper your feelings and emotions. Why not you girls pamper our ego as well? Guys' ego=Girl's emotion. Do it once awhile and we would be more than glad so that makes us do more things for you. Do you expect to work for free? When you girls think that you being happy is enough for us, how we respond? Sure love, anything for you and now how about a quickie? It would make me happy and then you should be happy as well right coz I'm happy?
4. We love you but we are not your personal commercial ad.
When you girls don't flaunt us as much to the public as most I've seen then why do we need to flaunt you girls to our guy friends so much. One thing that we guys don't like is a pal of ours suddenly turning our drinking session into an emo session about his couple problems so we usually will turned him away and isolate him in order to save our precious gathering. And we guys HATE to be left out by our pals. Seriously, we will put up with wearing couple t-shirts and so on. We will be glad to but please don't decorate our entire room, car or office with your favorite stuff and neglecting ours. Manchester United got to have its place somehow.
5. We hate being turned down
Just like how we put up with PMS and emotional breakdown, we hope that our girls will put up with our needs once awhile. So when we say let's just chill over the weekend, please don't put a fuss over the year end sales. We need time to chill and may be some watches football and I seriously thinks our wallets need a break.
6. We are egoistic creatures but let's reevaluate

7. We love the way you are

8. Interaction between mother
We do not like you girls to get too up close and personal with our parents and mother especially. We want you to make a good impression for our parents but TRUST ME when I say that we do not need another mother by our side. So don't nag our flaws like our mothers did and discuss them with our mother. It irritates the shit out of us. You can discuss them gently with us and always add certain comforting words to sooth our ego just the way we like it.
9. We trust you but we don't trust other guys
When we forbid u to meet some guy friends of yours, it doesn't mean that we don't trust you. We just don't trust the guy. We are jealous and worried. Most girls enjoy the attention from guys like how we enjoy attention from girls but listen to us when we warn you. You girls might not know it but we know when you are giving chance for that guy because we are guys as well. So don't go fuming on us about not trusting you.
10. Porn doesn't mean cheating to us

Basically that's about it for now. The post got way too long even for my liking. Hope you girls don't take this personally because I meant no harm and you may correct me if I'm wrong be it guys or girls. Why don't we made this a chain blog post? I would sure love to see any reply to this. Haha. Post a blog on "10 things guys/girls should know about guys/girls".

i agree on some! haha.. =D
p/s: the first picture and the last picture... no comments.. lol..
haha good one! and honest too. i didnt take it personally and was actually smiling and hehe-ing cuz i noe its true..if i were a guy..i'd do that too..wat guys and girls see are totally the opposite and different thing..but in the end..we'll do wtv we can to keep the relationship alive, ryte? HAHA, thumbs up :)
kenwooi: hahaha i have to post the two pictures up especially the last one after finding them on the net. Why don't you try blogging it as well
Aezlika: haha well, we are all just the same since we are humans. Gender usually not really that important.
We love the way you are
I like this..
and HAHAHAHAHAHA.. i agree watching porn doesn't mean cheating la.. coz com'on, every guy also watch porn one ok! HAHA..
hahaha! i love this! especially the honesty, money, ego and porn part :P some girls really just don't get it! porn doesnt mean cheating ok!!! xD
donna: hahaha i guess being you bf have the privilege of watching porn unlike some i knew hahahaha...of coz we love the way you girls are..
Grey: absolutely agree that most girl don't find it that way. haha but then, there are several understanding ones like our dear donna above..LOL hahaha
This is a very interesting post... and most of the things you've mentioned, not surprising to me actually. Plus what you've said are all true to an extent. nice one in putting the words that way! =)
BTW, I guess sometimes the problem is not that a girl is a girl and therefore she doesn't get it, or that a guy is a guy therefore he doesnt get what/why a girl is saying or doing such things, it is more of that individual itself regardless of gender.
To me, I'm all for giving a guy his space with his frens and all that jazz coz guys are humans as well. And guys, true, need to be pampered too, just in a different way than girls. Heck, I watch football just to spend time with d significant other eventho I don't really enjoy watching but it is what d other party likes and it is the moment of doing stg 2geda that is memorable.
Well said post =D
so guys alwaiz lie? ok so tats means my hubby alwiz lie2me la.. fml
MissC: I absolutely agree that it all breaks down to individual rather than gender. I too accompany my partner last time to watch several movies i absolutely did not want. I know it would be interesting to know your point of view. Well said.. XD
Sandy: LOL don't take it that way. Guys don't always lie to their loved ones. I don't see any problems between you and your hubby. He's with u all the time ma. Don't take my post too seriously haha.
y choose to lie, u can be honest. u can!! ;( isk..
do guy really try hard to make girl happy? i dont think so. zzz.
same reason why girls lie...i absolutely dun believe that girls don't lie...girls lie to make guys do something for them..haha
and may be coz girls are hard to be satisfied so that's why u dun think
I'm really Glad i ran across this site.Added to my bookmark!
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