Don't you guys wish that these "committed" officers will just give you the break and let you go? Honestly, most of the time they won't will leave you with your money intact. This is because when they never go catch these people, you all curse and scold them for being lazy and when they catch you then you curse them why so cold hearted and so hardworking for what. Malaysians are so hard to please.
Let me get to the point. How do you guys wish to avoid them finding fault with you? I had heard of this guy being completely genius in coming out with excuse. he forgot to bring his license and then he met a roadblock. How do he avoid it from being caught? When the police ask him to roll down the window, this is what happen.
A: Eh, Bang sini pun ada roadblock kah? Hari tu sana apa macam?
Police: Ok la....Macam biasadan tak banyak problem. Semua berjalan macam biasa
A: Oh, Macam itu kah? Bagus la. You orang memang rajin la. Kalau macam ini tiap-tiap kali, mesti jalan pun syok. Eh, bang, saya kerja masa la. Boleh bagi saya jalan dulu tak?
Police: Ok ok. Boleh, jalanlah.
That's it. He get away clean even though he did not even know which bloody roadblock he is talking about. This site is not teaching you guys how to avoid them but is just what happens to a friend of my friend. My friend was in that car and he laughed like shit after that ordeal because he almost scared till he almost shat himself while approaching the police.
So what other ways it could be? Flash your boobs? Although this could only be done by women and I certainly don't mind being traffic police once awhile.
Or you could follow the footsteps of this guy.