Have any of you guys heard about Puan Hajah Siti Inshah? The school principal who made racist remarks telling all Chinese students to go back to China? Even there are stories regarding how she refer to Indians wearing their religious beads are equivalent to dogs because only dogs wear beads around their neck? If you don’t know any of this, you can just google the story and I’ll save my time from retelling all these stuff.
I would like to question this and I would like all my readers to answer me this question. I have a Malaysian IC and a Malaysian Passport, so does this mean I’m from and belong to China? I do not have a China’s ID or passport or even PR status, so IF my Malaysian identity documents doesn’t show that I’m a Malaysian, then I must be a county-less person? Is it being a Malaysian means YOU HAVE TO BE A MALAY? There are Malays all over the world as well such as Australia, United States of America, England etc, and what if they changes their citizenship? What if those foreign countries ask them to go back and they end up here in Malaysia? WILL THEY BE GRANTED IMMEDIATE CITIZENSHIP OF THIS COUNTRY BECAUSE THEY ARE MALAY? No they won’t. They too have to go by a certain set of rules before becoming a Malaysian. So I guess, they are consider as country-less people as well?
Indians equivalent to dogs? I cannot even imagine how serious a racist is she if she really said that. Shouldn’t we respect others religion and culture? ISN’T THAT IN ISLAMIC TEACHINGS? Regardless how she might appear to be a pure Malay Muslim, I seriously doubt that she are well versed with the Islamic teachings. Isn’t this your fasting month, you should refrain from all the sins in the world? Why the hell would you even thought of such racist remarks? We don’t see the Indians or any races making fun of your tudung tradition? If we do, then will you be angered?
I would like to question this statement as well. It was claimed that the statement was made by her and people are questioning it.
Racist or not? I’m not sure. But I can voice out several debatable points regarding this statement.
Fine. You own the car. No doubt about it. But a car need constant servicing in order to keep moving and what if the cost of servicing and repairing the car which is part mostly by the other two guys and exceed the original value of the car? So the car still belongs to her? Ok. Then how about when the two of them stop contributing in servicing the car by jumping into another car. Would you say they betray you or what? I don’t think the other two ask for ownership of the car, they just ask for equal amount of air conditioned for everybody and not anything else.
And what do she meant by “balik China”? What makes us different? Aren’t we all born here in this country? You don’t see me asking her to balik Indonesia right? (referring to Parameswara who came from Indonesia to Tanah Melaka). In other countries, there are difference between PR and full citizenship. Once a person is granted full citizenship in the country, no matter what race, they are given equal privileges and rights. Unfortunately, it’s not the case here.So even we are born here, we contributed to the country and we are STILL foreigners to her?
Racism is very much alive here in this country. Especially the older generation which explains why the racial strategies are being heavily implemented in current politics. I will definitely blame these racist older generation if MY generation ends to be mostly racist. Why? Because there are very very few racists among us. Take a walk in Times Square, Mid Valley or KLCC, you can see young people from different races mixing with each other and it is not even a surprise that they DATE each other. Can someone really explain to me what is 1Malaysia? The more we talk about it, the more confuse I am with this concept.
Am I feeling the Merdeka spirit? Hell no! It angers me even more that our nation had achieved independence so long ago and yet out mentality is going backwards instead of forward. Why would I feel happy for this Independence Day except it is a holiday? I don’t get it at all. Her being a headmistress should understand the importance of ethical conduct more than anyone else. For goodness, it’s her duty to implement these values among the students. This definitely reminds me of a MP from Kedah who made racial slurs and ask Chinese to go back to China.
Now, Namewee, a notorious rapper in Malaysia had made a video in insulting Pn Siti Inshah and then Puteri UMNO presses for actions to be taken against him. If any action is to be taken on him, then the headmistress should be punished first before he do. Before I end my post, let me stressed out something. A lot of people had been debating regarding who fought and build this country and even ask to refer to the history textbook. May I know the group who went to discuss with the Brits, are they ONLY consists of one race? May I know who is the one help develop the country’s economy? And always remember, is your FOREFATHERS who fought for this country’s independence and not you. So why are you people saying as though you are the ones doing so back in 1950’s? Your task is suppose to continue building this nation and that what makes your a Malaysian. Even if your father/grandfather/great grandfather had fought and contributed a lot to this country, and all you ever did is brag and do nothing, you are still a piece of garbage.
That’s all from me today. I got way too much political thoughts to blog about. If anyone of you have some topic for me to blog about. PLEASE feel free to say so. I’m running dry from ideas besides politics. LMAO XD